When browsing West Elm & its sister furniture companies (Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids & Rejuvenation) you may notice one suspicious thing – there are zero product reviews. If you look into this at all, you’ll find you’re right to be suspicious about it! William-Sonoma (the parent company) pulled all reviews from its furniture sites because too many products were getting reviewed poorly and they were ultimately hurting sales.
Usually, reviews have the opposite effect, so that’s a pretty wild conclusion to come to. In reviewing West Elm products, we’ve definitely found a lot of them which leave something to be desired, especially in terms of what you’re paying, but we’ve also found some real winners in the catalog and it’s a shame that customers can’t tell the good from the bad.
Our West Elm reviews try to cover the most popular items, though obviously we can’t review everything! Still, we think we’ve compiled the most comprehensive list of past and present West Elm products and reviews, so you don’t have to scour sites like Reddit (2nd most popular Google search for West Elm: West Elm Reviews Reddit) to find what you’re looking for.
If you’re looking to review a West Elm product you have, please first use our search or browse the West Elm review catalog below. If your item isn’t on the site, please submit it via this link and we’ll add the item and your review.
Click the image/link below to start… reviewing… our full list of West Elm Reviews:

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